Step 1 ~ Fetch Token Data

Step 2 ~ Owner Wallet

🚨 The Owner Wallet is the wallet used to deploy the contract.

Step 3 ~ Master Wallet

🚨 Master Wallet will pay the bundleZen Fee and distribute ETH to your bundle wallets.

🚨 Ensure that the balance in your Master Wallet is sufficient, as recommended based on your mcSimulation results.

Step 4 ~ Bundle Wallets

🚨 Please input the data as your mcSimulation.

🚨 Number of Wallet below; ONLY YOUR WALLETS. zen Wallets (if any) will be created by the app automatically

Step 5 ~ Simulate Bundle

T O K E N ___ D E T A I L S
T R A N S A C T I O N ___ D E T A I L S

⛔️ This distribution will send ETH to all bundle wallets, including ZEN's (if any). Please ensure you fully understand what you are doing, as NO REFUNDs will be issued after the distribution. ⛔️ Contact us if you're NOT sure about your calculation.

Step 6 ~ Launch with Bundle


S U C C E S S F U L ___ L A U N C H